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You are now in the Bug dimension.......... Sit back and enjoy the ride............... @_@


IRRASHAIMASE.........  You are now in the K-Bug dimension.  This dimension serves up fresh anime news, rants, pics, links, a club, information, and a whole lot more coming your way!   Hope you enjoy the sights around.  Oh, and why don't you sign my entry log below while you're at it?  Great, arigato gozimasta!


K-Bug last updated this site on February 2, 2002

Guest View.jpg (6438 bytes)    Guest Sign.jpg (6560 bytes)

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Playing: Blue Awakening (Blue Sub No. 6)

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Wah, 1,000 hits finally!!!

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*Disclaimer*  All characters, pics, etc. belong to their respective owners, both copyright and non-copyright.  What I do claim as mine are the creations that I make and the things I own here.  They are: the MP3 song (because I own the CD), the Toonami banner in the links section, the buttons on the side menu, the logos on each page, the Capsule-J images (but Capsule-J himself is a character owned by Nintendo, therefore, I don't claim him to be something of my creation), and basically anything around here that's obvious it belongs to me.